1. Fry, Roger (1920). ”Vision and Design”.
2. Focillon, Henri (1934). “The Life of Forms in Art”.
3. Greenberg, Clement (1939). “Avant-Garde & Kitsch”.
4. Greenberg, Clement (1961). “Modernist Painting”.
5. Poggioli, Renato (1962). “The Concept of the Avant-Garde”.
6. Greenberg, Clement (1967). ”Complaints of an Art Critic”.
7. Rosenberg, Harold (1969). “The Avant-Garde”.
8. Schulte-Sasse, Jochen (1974). “Foreword: Theory of Modernism versus Theory of the avant-Garde”.
9. Burger, Peter (1974). “Introduction: Theory of the Avant-Garde & Theory of Literature”.
10.Burger, Peter (1974). “The Avant-Gardiste Work of Art”.
11.Rosenberg, Harold (1978). “Inquest into Modernism”.
12.Habermas, Jurgen (1980). “Modernity: An Incomplete Project”.
13.Oliva, Achille (1980). “The Italian Trans-avantgarde”.
1. Krauss, Rosalind (1972). “A View of Modernism”.
2. Levin, Kim (1979). “Farewell to Modernism”.
3. Kelly, Mary (1981). ”Reviewing Modernist Criticism”.
4. Gablik, Suzi (1984). “Bureaucratization: the Death of the Avant-Garde”.
5. Gablik, Suzi (1984). “Has Modernism Failed?”
6. Crane, Dianne(1987). “The Dual Role of the Avant- Garde: the Aesthetic Tradition & the Crisis of Meaning”.
7. Karl, Frederik (1988). “Getting to be Modern: an Overview”.
8. Karl, Frederik (1988). “Spiritual Autobiography & Modernism”.
9. Karl, Frederik (1988). “Modern & Postmodern; Modernism & Postmodernism”.
10.Williams, Raymond (1989). “When was Modernism?”
11.Giddens, Anthony (1991). “Modernity & Self- Identity: Self & Society in the Late Modern Age”.
12.Crow, Thomas (1996). “Modernism & Mass Culture in the Visual Arts”.
13.Collings, Matthew (1999). “Introduction: Kicking Arse”.
14.Meecham, Pam & Julie Sheldon (2000). ”What is & When was Modernism?”
1. Benjamin, Walter (1936). ”The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”.
2. Adorno, Theodor (1936, 1958, 1962). ”Art, Autonomy and Mass Culture”.
3. Adorno, Theodor & Max Horkheimer(1944). “The Parable of the Oarsmen”.
4. Lukacs, Georg (1963). “Critical Realism and Socialist Realism”.
5. Gramsci, Antonio (1971). “The Prison Notebooks”.
6. Adorno, Theodor (1975). “Culture Industry Reconsidered”.
7. Baudrillard, Jean (1976). “The Hyper-realism of simulation”.
8. Lyotard, Jean-Francois (1979). “Introduction to the Postmodern Condition”.
9. Owens, Craig (1980). ”The Allegorical Impulse: Towards a Theory of Postmodernism”.
10.Habermas, Jurgen (1981). “Modernity versus Post-modernity”.
11.Forster, Hal (1982). ”Re Post”.
12.Jameson, Frederic (1982). ”Postmodernism and Consumer Society”.
13.Lyotard, Jean-Francois (1982). “What is Postmodernism?”
14.Baudrillard, Jean (1983). ”The Precession of Simulacra”.
15.Baudrillard, Jean (?). ”The Masses: The Implosion of the Social in Media”.
16.Lyotard, Jean-Francois (1984). “The Postmodern Condition”.
17.Eagleton, Terry (1985). ”Capitalism, Modernism and Postmodernism”.
18.Burger, Peter (1992). “The Decline of Modernism”.
1. Benjamin, Walter (1934). ”The Author as Producer”.
2. Lacan, Jacques (1949). “The Mirror-Phase as Formation of the Future of the I”.
3. Marcuse, Herbert (1964). “One-Dimensional Man”.
4. Foucault, Michel (1969). “What is an Author?”
5. Ricoeur, Paul (1970). “The Conflict of Interpretations”.
6. Barthes, Roland (1971). ”From Work to Text”.
7. Iser, Wolfgan (1971). “Indeterminacy of the Reader’s Response”.
8. Ingarden, Roman (1973). “Some Epistemological Problems in the Cognition of the Aesthetic Concretization of the Literary Work of Art”.
9. Baudrillard, Jean (1976?). “The Ecstasy of Communication”.
10. Barthes, Roland (1977). “The Death of the Author”.
11. Said, E.W. (1978). “The Problem of Textuality: Two Exemplary Positions”.
12. Jameson, Fredric (1981). “On Interpretation: Literature as a Socially Symbolic Act”.
13. Foucault, Michel (1982). ”The Subject and Power”.
14. Jauss, Hans Robert (1982). “Literary History as a Challenge to Literary Theory”.
15. Said, Edward (1982). “Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies and Community”.
16. Owens, Craig (1983). “The Discovers of Others: Feminists and Postmodernism”.
17. Pollock, Griselda (1988). ”Modernity and the Spaces of Femininity”.
18. Pollock, Griselda (1988). ”Feminist Interven- tions in the Histories of Art”.
19. Habermas, Jurgen (1989). “The Emergence of the Public Sphere”.
1. Saussure, Ferdinand de (1916). “Course in General Linguistics”.
2. Barthes, Roland (1956). “Myth Today”.
3. Sontag, Susan (1964). ”Against Interpretation”.
4. Barthes, Roland (1967). “Science versus Literature”.
5. Derrida, Jacques (1967). “Of Grammatology”.
6. Althusser, Louis (1970). “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”.
7. Hirsch, E.D. (1971). “Three Dimensions of Hermeneutics”.
8. Derrida, Jacques (1972). “Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences”.
9. Baudrillard, Jean (1973). “Ethic of Labor, Aesthetic of Play”.
10.Barthes, Roland (1977). “Rhetoric of the Image”.
11.Foucault, Michel (1979). “The History of Sexuality”.
12.Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1979). “Language as Determination of the Hermeneutic Object”.
13.Culler, Jonathan (1981). “Semiotics as a Theory of Reading”.
14.De Man, Paul (1982). “The Resistance to Theory”.
15.Jameson, Frederic (1982). ”Progress versus Utopia or Can We Imagine the Future?”
16.Huyssen, Andreas (1984). “Mapping the Post-modern”.
17.Jameson, Frederic (1984). “The Deconstruction of Expression”.
18.Foucault, Michel (1986). “Of Other Spaces”.
19.Hebdige, Dirk (1986-87). “Postmodernism and the Politics of Style”.
20.Lyotard, Jean-Francois (1988). “The Sublime and the Avant-Garde”.
1. Rosenberg, Harold (1969). “Museum of the New”.
2. Rosenberg, Harold (1972). “Museum Today”.
3. Rubin, William (1974). ”Musuem Concept is Not Infinitly Expandable”.
4. O’Doherty, Brian (1976). “Inside the White Cube”.
5. Crimp, Douglas (1980). “On the Museum’s Ruins”.
6. Hughes, Robert (1984). “Art and Money”.
7. Wallach, Alan (1991). “The Museum of Modern Art”.
8. Coombes, Annie (1992). “Inventing the Post-Colonial Hybridity and Constituency in Contemporary Curating”.
9. Duncan, Carol (1995). “The Modern Art Museum”.
10.Duncan, Carol (1995). “The Art Museum as Ritual”.
11.Grunenberg, Christoph (1999). “The Modern Art Museum”.
12.Barker, Emma (1999). “The Museum in Postmodern Era”.
13.Naire, Sandy (1999). “Exhibitions of Contemporary Art”.
14.Barker, Emma (1999). “Exhibiting the Canon: the Blockbuster Show”.
1. Wolfflin, Heinrich (1915). ”Principles of Art History”.
2. Panofsky, Erwin(1940). “The History of Art as Humanistic Discipline”.
3. Hauser, Arnold (1959). “The Philosophy of Art”.
4. Rosenberg, Harold (1966). “New as Value”.
5. Rosenberg, Haold (1966). “On Art Movements”.
6. Gombrich, E.H. (1967). ”In Search of Cultural Hisotry”.
7. Rosenberg, Harold (1972). “D.M.Z. Vanguardism”.
8. Rosenberg, Harold(1970s). “Art and Political Consciousness”.
9. Onians, John(1978). “Art History, Kunstgeschichte and Historia”.
10.Brock, Bazon (1981). “The End of the Avant-Garde”.
11.Baldwin, Michael, Charles Harrison & Mel Ramsden (1981). “Art History, Art Criciticm and Explanation”.
12.Belting, Hans (1984). “The End of History of Art?”
13.Kuspit, Donald(1986). “Conncecting the Spiritual in Contemporary Art”.
14.Pollock, Griselda (1988). “Feminist Intervention in History of Art”.
15.Reed, Christopher (1993). “Postmodernism and the Art of Identity”.
16.Preziozi, Donald (1988). “The Art of Art History”.
1. Theodor Adorno (1936, 1958, 1962). “Art, Automy and Mass Culture”.
2. Michael Real (1977). “Perspective: The Significance of Mass-mediated Culture”.
3. Jean Baudrillard (1981). “The Masses: The Implosion of the Social in the Media”.
4. Scott Lash & John Urry (1987). “Postmodernist Sensibility”.
5. John Fiske (1989). “The Jeaning of America”.
6. Douglas Kellner (1989). “Critical Theory and the Consumer Society”.
7. Paul Willis (1990). “The Cultural Media and Symbolic Creativity”.
8. Paul Willis (1990). “Style, Fashion and Symbolic Creativity”.
9. John Fiske (1992). “Cultural Studies and the Culture of Everyday Life”.
10.Janet Wolff (1992). “Excess and Inhibition: Interdisciplinarity in the Study of Art”.
11.Joanne Finkelstein (1992). “Fashion, Taste and Eat Out”.
12.David Morley (1995). “Television: Not so much a Visual Medium, More a Visible Object”.
13.Dominic Strinati (1995). “Postmodernism and Popular Culture”.
1. Walter Benyamin. “The Author as Producer” (1934).
2. Henri Focillion. “Life of Forms in Art” (1934).
3. Theodor Adorno. “Art, Autonomy and Mass Culture” (1936, 1958, 1962).
4. Martin Heidegger. “The Origin of the Work of Art” (1960).
5. Jean-Paul Sartre. “The Novel and Reality” (1963).
6. Georg Lukacs. “Critical Realism and Socialist Realism” (1963).
7. Maurice Merleau-Ponty. “Eye and Mind” (1964).
8. Ludwig Wittgenstein. “Seeing & Seeing as” (1968).
9. Rosenberg, Harold. “On the De-definition of Art”.
10.Rosenberg, Harold. “De-aestheticization”.
11.Roman Ingarden. “Some Epistemological Problems in the Cognition of the Aesthetic Concretization of the Literary Work of Art” (1973).
12.Jean Baudrillard. “Ethic of Labor, Aesthetic of Play” (1975).
13.Jean Baudrillard. “Hyper Realism or Simulacrum” (1976).
14.Noam Chomsky. “On Cognitive Capacity” (1976).
15.Roland Barthes. “Rhetoric of the Image” (1977).
16.Herbert Marcuse. ”The Aesthetic Dimension” (1978).
17.Hans-Georg Gadamer. “Language as Determination of the Hermeneutic Object” (1979).
18.Theodor Adorno. “On the Fetish-Character in Music and the Regression of Listening” (1982).
1. Leon Trotsky. “Class and Art” (1924).
2. Andre Malraux. “The Work of Art” (1935).
3. Jean-Paul Sartre. “The Novel and Reality”.
4. Sidney Finkelstein. “Art as Humanization” (1965).
5. Harold Rosenberg. “The Politics of Art” (1964).
6. Barbara Rose. “The Politics of Art” (1969).
7. Harold Rosenberg. “Art of Bad Conscience” (1969).
8. Barbara Rose. “Criticism as Propaganda” (1970).
9. Harold Rosenberg. “D.M.Z. Vanguardism” (1972).
10.Barbara Rose. “Protest in Art” (1973).
11.Fredric Jameson. “Aesthetics and Politics” (1977).
12.Michel Foucault. “The Subject and Power” (1982).
13.Lucy R. Lippard. “Trojan Horses: Activist Art and Power” (1983).
14.Robert Hughes. “Art and Money” (1984).
15.Harold Rosenberg. “Art and Political Consciousness” (1985).
16.Terry Eagleton. “Capitalism, Modernism and Postmodernism” (1985).
17.Dick Hebdige. “A Report on the Western Front: Postmodernism and the ‘Politics’ of Style” (1986).
1. Harold Rosenberg, “On Criticism” (1963).
2. Clement Greenberg, “Complaints of an Art Critic” (1967).
3. R.S. Crane, “Criticism as Inquiry, or The Perils of the ‘High Priori Road’” (1967).
4. Robert Goldwater, “Problems of Criticism” (1967).
5. Barbara Rose, “Problems of Criticism: Politics of Art” (1968).
6. Kenneth Burke, ““Formalist Criticism: Its Principles and Limits” (1973).
7. David Bleich, "The Subjective Character of Critical Interpretation” (1975).
8. Harold Rosenberg, "Criticism and its Premises” (1975).
9. Harold Rosenberg, "Art is a Special Way of Thinking” (1976).
10.Mary Kelly, “Re-viewing Modernist Criticism” (1981).
11.Michael Baldwin, Charles Harrison & Mel Ramsder, “Art History, Art Criticsim and Explanation” (1981).
12.Gregory L. Ulmer, “The Object of Post-Criticism” (1983).
13.Josephine Donovan, "Beyond the Net: Feminist Criticism as a Moral Criticism” (1983).
14.Douglas Kellner, “Critical Theory & the Consumer Society” (1989).
1. Plato (tr. 1892). “Symposium”.
2. Aristotle (tr. 1911). “Poetics”.
3. Aristotle (tr. 1925). “Poetics.”.
4. Vico, Giovanni (1725, tr. 1982). “The New Science”.
5. Hume, David (1757). “Of the Standard of Taste”.
6. Burke, Edmund (1759). “A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful”.
7. Kant, Immanuel (1790, tr. 1914). ”Analytic of the Beautiful” and “Analytic of the Sublime”.
8. Schopenhauer, Arthur (1819, tr. 1982). “On the Inner Nature of Art”.
9. Hegel, GWF (1835-38, tr. 1920). “The Philosophy of Fine Art”.
10.Nietzsche, Friedrich (1872. tr. 1966). “Attempt at a Self-Criticism”.
11.Nietzsche, Friedrich (1872. tr. 1967). “Apollinian and Dionysian Art”.
12.Nietzsche, Friedrich (1872. tr. 1982). “The Birth of Tragedy”.
13.Nietzsche, Friedrich (1876. tr. 1983). “Human all too Human”.
14.Santayana, George (1896). “The Nature of Beauty” and “The Sense of Beauty”.
15.Santayana, George (1896). “The Nature of Beauty”.
16.Croce, Benedetto (1898, tr. 1983). “Aesthetics”.
17.Croce, Benedetto (1901, 1913, tr. 1922. 1915). “Intuition and Expression”.
18.Freud, Sigmund (1908, 1915, tr. 1925, 1922). “Wish Fulfillment and the Unconsciousness”.
19.Freud, Sigmund (1908). “The Relation of the Poet to Day Dreaming”.
20.Worringer, Wilhelm (1908, tr. 1921). “Abstraction and Empathy”.
21.Bell, Clive (1913). “Significant Form”.
22.Bell, Clive (1928). “The Artistic Problem”.
23.Bullough, Edward (1912). “Psychological Distance as a Factor in Art and as an Aesthetic Principle”.
24.Bullough, Edward (1913). “Psychical Distance”.
25.Bosanquet, Bernard (1915). “The Esthetic Attitude and Its Embodiment”.
26.Maritain, Jacques (1920, tr. 1930). “Beauty and Imitation”.
27.Collingwood, RG (1930). “Principles of Art”.
28.Collingwood, RG (1938). “Examples of Amusement Art”.
29.Dewey, John (1934). “Art and Experience”.
30.Collingwood, RG (1945). “Art as Expression”.
1. Arnheim (1951, 54). “The Expressivenss of Visual Forms”.
2. Maritain, Jacques (1953). “Beauty and Modern Painting”.
3. Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1953). “Games and Definition”.
4. Langer, Susanne (1953). “Feeling and Form”.
5. Jung, Carl (1955). ”Psychology and Literature”.
6. Benjamin, Walter (1955). “The Work of Art in the Age of its Technical Reproduction”.
7. Weitz, Morris (1956). “The Role of Theory in Esthetics”.
8. Langer, Susanne (1957). “Expressivenee and Symbolism”.
9. Langer, Susanne (1957). “Problems of Art”.
10.Danto, Arthur (1964). “The Art World”.
11.Heideggar, Martin (1975). “The Origin of the Work of Art”.
12.Marcuse, Herbert (1978). “The Aesthetic Dimension”.
13.Adorno, Theodor (1982). “On the Fetish Character in Music and the Regression of Listening”.
14.Gottner-Abendroth, Heide (1985). “Nine Principles of a Matriarchal Aesthetic”.
1. Jacques Lacan (1949). “The Mirror-Phase as Formation of the Function of the I”.
2. Thomas S. Szasz (1961). “Hysteria as Communication”.
3. Stanley Cavell (1967). "A Matter of Meaning It”.
4. E.D. Hirsch (1967). “Validity in Interpretation”.
5. Michel Foucault (1970). “Las Meninas”.
6. Jacques Derrida (1973). “Differance”.
7. Paul Ricoeur (1974). “The Problem of Double Meaning as Hermeneutic Problem and as Semantic Problem”.
8. Hans Georg Gadamer (1975). “Foundations of a Theory of Hermeneutic Experience”.
9. Ian Burn (1975). “The Art Market: Affluence and Degradation”.
10.Jean Francois Lyotard (1979). “What is Postmodernism?”
11.Mikhai Bakhtin (1981). “The Dialogic Imagination”.
12.Craig Owens (1983). “The Discourse of Others: Feminists and Postmodernism”.
13.WJT Mitchell (1986). “Image and Word and Mute Petry and Blind Painting”.
14.Kobena Mercer (1992). “Periodizing Postmodernism Politics and Identity”.
15.Constance Penley (1992). “Feminism, Psychoanalysis and the Study of Popular Culture”.
1. Joshua Reynolds (1769-90). “On Imitation” & “Principle of Art and Simplicity”.
2. John Ruskin (1843-60). “The Moral Content of Art”.
3. John Ruskin (1890). “The Grounds of Art”.
4. Leo Tolstoy (1896, tr. 1905). “The Communication of Emotion”.
5. Leo Tolstoy (1898). ”What is Art”.
6. Leo Tolstoy (1898, tr. 1983). ”What is Art”.
7. William Morris (1903). ”The Aims of Art”.
8. Roger Fry (1920s). ”Culture and Snobism”.
9. John Dewey (1934). “Having an Experience”.
10. Jacques Maritain (1953). “Beauty and Modern Painting”.
11. Kenneth Clark (1956). “The Naked and the Nude”.
12. E.H. Gombrich (1960). “Truth and the Stereotype”.
13. Kenneth Clark (1961). “Art in Society”.
14. Marshall McLuhan (1967). “Woman in a Mirror”.
15. Michel de Certeau (1984). “The Practice of Everyday Life”.
16. Susan Bordo (1989). “Reading the Slender Body”.
17. Anne Balsamo (1992). “On the Cutting Edge: Cosmetic Surgery and the Technological Production of the Gendered Body”.
18. Lynda Nead (1992). “The Female Nude: Art, Obscenity and Sexuality”.
19. Lisa Cartwright (1995). “Science & the Cinema”.
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